Voting Membership 2024

Vote for the best in Black Theater. Become a FRIEND OF AUDELCO…TODAY!!

Your contribution enables you to vote for productions and performers of your choice.
If your interest in the performing arts goes beyond Broadway and you are ready for theatre experiences that transcend the “Great White Way,” you should be a “Friend of AUDELCO.”

Listed are the contributory levels of Friends of AUDELCO. Use PayPal below to contribute. Remember, you cannot vote for nominees (even if you are a nominee) for the “The VIV’ Awards if you are not a member.

Membership options:
Name membership purchased for:
Email of Voting Member:

One year subscription to Intermission, AUDELCO‘s newsletter

One (1) ticket to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards

One (1) ticket to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards and first choice of tickets to AUDELCO Night Out

Two (2) tickets to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards

One (1) ticket, plus on (1) half-price ticket to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards

Two (2) tickets to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards; full page ad in the annual publication, the OVERTURE

Three (3) tickets to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards; full page ad in the annual publication, the OVERTURE

Visionary………………………………………………………………………..$5,000 and up
All BENEFACTOR benefits plus four (4) additional tickets to the Annual Vivian Robinson/AUDELCO Recognition “VIV” Awards. Your logo will appear on AUDELCO‘s major printed materials; a full-page journal ad in the annual publication, the OVERTURE and AUDELCO‘s website.

To contribute by check or money order, download the Membership Application here.